My third Novel, "Sanctuary" has hit the Amazon Website!

It s official! My third novel, "Sanctuary", is now on sale It's available in both E-Book and Paperback Format. Published by Crimson Romance, (now gobbled up by Simon &Shuster), this paranormal romance is filled with secrets, lies, and breath-taking psychic visions. It features Sonny Blake, a beautiful empath with incredible clairvoyant skills, and of course, she's paired with a handsome Meta Corps agent (Logan Reed) with a chip on his shoulder. Thrown together, the pair descend a rabbit hole of secrets and lies, and into a mysterious project called "Pandora". Will they manage to stay one step ahead of the madman chasing them? Or will the predator win out, making any chance the pair has of finding their "happily ever after"?

With Sanctuary in full release mode, it can be purchased through a myriad of other social outlets too (I-tunes, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, My Lybrary, etc). All you need to do is put "Sanctuary by Rachel James" in the search field, and wah-lah, there it is. 



Rachel James


Paranormal Romance Writer

Special News...

I am putting the finishing touches on my new novel, "Dream Riders" and hope to see it in print soon. It's been a long hard road to get it finished, but I made it! Yippee!

I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it....sooo...keep tuned for news of when it will hit bookstores in your area (and online, of course.)